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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) is an internationally oriented institution of higher learning, that is committed to an educational system based on the highest standards of teaching and research in fields related to the sustainable economic development of Morocco and Africa. UM6P is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation. On a specific focus on Africa, UM6P aims to position these fields as the forefront and become a university of international standing.
More than just a traditional academic institution, UM6P is a platform for experimentation and a pool of opportunities, for students, professors and staff. It offers a high-quality living and study environment thanks to its state-of-the-art infrastructure. With an innovative approach, UM6P places research and innovation at the heart of its educational project as a driving force of a business model.
In its research approach, the UM6P promotes transdisciplinary, entrepreneurship spirit and collaboration with external institutions for developing up to date science and at continent level in order to address real challenges.
All our programs run as start-ups and can be self-organized when they reach a critical mass. Thus, academic liberty is promoted as far as funding is developed by research teams.
The research programs are integrated from long-term research to short-term applications in linkage with incubation and start-up ecosystems.
The centre has been recently created to address enduring process challenges in Chemistry and Engineering disciplines and create an environment for interdisciplinary research. The research program of ACER is multidisciplinary, with faculty members from backgrounds in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering focusing on different research fields such as catalysis, separation, energy generation, conversion and storage, and organic optoelectronics intelligent and advanced polymers and materials.
Candidate Profile
Due to the multidisciplinary character of ACER CoE, the ideal candidate must have as well a multidisciplinary scientific profile:
Candidature submission
Applicants should submit:
Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution oriented towards applied research and innovation with a focus on Africa.
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