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Søg efter job fra verdens førende universiteter og forskningsinstitutter, og lær alt hvad du behøver for at få succes i din akademiske karriere.
NHH søker rektorNorges Handelshøyskole søker etter rektor for åremålsper...
The Department of Computer Science, the Technical Faculty of IT and Desi...
Centre for Journalism, Department of Political Science and Public Manage...
We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship in the emergence of social net...
We invite applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship in social network eme...
The Danish Institute for IT Program Management and the Computer Science ...
Here’s a breakdown of the most common American job titles and their associated average annual salaries.
Considering an academic career in Norway? Find out how much PhD students, postdocs, and professors earn there.
Sweden is a favourite destination for academics. Here's a breakdown of the most common Swedish academic jobs and their salaries.
France has a strong academic tradition and is committed to investing in research and education. Here's what French academics make.
Interested in working in the Netherlands? Here's how much PhD students, postdocs, and professors earn there.
Interested in working in Denmark? Learn how much PhD students, postdocs, and professor earn there.