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International Max Planck Research School – Biological Intelligence (IMPRS-BI)

Upcoming doctoral (PhD) positions at the International Max Planck Research School - Biological Intelligence

2025-08-08 (Europe/Berlin)
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© MPI for Biological Intelligence / M. Warner

Thanks to all the academics who submitted their application! The application deadline has passed and the selection process started. More information for the new call-out will come up during Autumn 2025. Stay tuned!

The International Max Planck Research School – Biological Intelligence (IMPRS-BI), with sites in Martinsried, Munich and Seewiesen, has an open call for fully-funded doctoral student positions in the fields of behavior, neurobiology, connectomics, ecology and evolutionary genetics

We welcome outstanding graduates from around the world to join a community of passionate young scientists in the Munich area, one of Europe's prominent science hubs.


IMPRS-BI offers first-rate training to doctoral students interested in the question of how nervous systems develop and have evolved to allow animals to pursue their goals, navigate their environment and employ behavioral strategies that are adapted to and shape their respective ecological niche.

  • An English-speaking, structured PhD program 
  • Access to state-of-the-art facilities
  • Individual supervision and mentoring
  • Full funding, with no tuition costs
  • Training in scientific, computational and transferable skills
  • Additional support for participation in international conferences/ workshops

© MPI for Biological Intelligence / M. Warner


Bringing together the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence and two leading partner universities, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) and the Technische Universität München (TUM), IMPRS-BI is bridging related disciplines, including neuroscience, behavioral ecology and evolution, with the aim of unraveling the nature of biological intelligence.

© MPI for Biological Intelligence / M. Warner


We encourage highly qualified candidates with a strong commitment to basic research to apply.

Applicants should hold a MSc with a background in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, computer science, mathematics or related fields. Candidates with a BSc shall be considered for the fast-track program in cooperation with GSN-LMU, our partner PhD program. It is not necessary to hold the final degree(s) at the time of the application. However, you must have been awarded your degree prior to the start of the program.

IMPRS-BI is inclusive and openly welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds.

For more information, eligibility criteria and online application please visit our website.


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Om arbejdsgiveren

IMPRS-BI offers structured training and cutting-edge research opportunities to international doctoral students.

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