Max Planck Society

Max Planck Research Group Leader

2024-10-14 (Europe/Berlin)
Gem job

The Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.; MPG) is a world-leading, independent, non-profit research organization with the goal of promoting cutting-edge basic research. Over 24,000 employees across 84 Max Planck Institutes and research facilities conduct basic research in the life and natural sciences as well as the humanities, social sciences, and law and have a strong interest in innovative and interdisciplinary research.

To support emerging scholars early in their career, the MPG invites all scientists with a doctorate to apply for one of several positions as

Max Planck Research Group Leader

Successful candidates will lead their own independent Max Planck Research Group at a participating Max Planck Institute of their own choice for a period of six years. An extension of up to three more years is possible. The funding package covers a W2 position (equivalent to an assistant or non-tenured associate professor level), resources for scientific staff, and a generous budget for equipment and consumables. The total funding for a Max Planck Research Group is competitive with other top international career development programmes and amounts to up to 2.7 million euros for the initial six years.

Once accepted for the position as Max Planck Research Group Leader, successful candidates can participate at the MPG/TUM career programme and apply for a position as Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the Technische Universität München. Tenure track options may also be possible with other universities on an individual basis. Furthermore, the MPG also considers promoting outstanding Research Group Leaders when filling vacant director positions.

The MPG strives for gender equality and diversity. It is committed to increasing the number of individuals with severe disabilities in its workforce and encourages applications from such qualified individuals.

Your application should include:
- a cover letter,
- a full CV,
- a list of publications,
- a research summary (about your main goals of research and choice of MPI),
- a research proposal,
- copies of the three most important papers,
- two letters of recommendation.

To submit your application and for more details, including further application instructions, please visit:

The deadline for applications is October 14, 2024.

For more information about the Max Planck Society
and its institutes, please see


Max Planck Research Group Leader
Several locations countrywide, Tyskland
2024-10-14 23:59 (Europe/Berlin)
2024-10-14 23:59 (CET)
Ledelse, , Zoologi, , Bioinformatik, , Biostatistik, , Bioteknologi, og 248 mere Botanik, Kræftforskning, Cytologi, Kronobiologi, Beregningsbiologi, Udviklingsbiologi, Økologi, Entomologi, Evolutionsbiologi, Genetik, Histologi, Humanbiologi, Limnologi, Marinebiologi, Mikrobiologi, Molekylærbiologi, Mykologi, Nanobiologi, Neurovidenskab, Paleobiologi, Parasitologi, Fysiologi, Strukturbiologi, Systematik (taksonomi), Systembiologi, Virologi, Zoologi, Afhængighedsmedicin, Allergologi, Anatomi, Andrologi, Anæstesiologi, Audiologi, Bakteriologi, Bariatri, Biomedicin, Kardiologi, Klinisk videnskab, Odontologi, Dermatologi, Katastrofemedicin, Akutmedicin, Endokrinologi, Epidemiologi, Retsmedicin, Gastroenterologi, Geriatri, Gerontologi, Sundhedsvidenskab, Hæmatologi, Hepatologi, Immunologi, Implantologi, Smitsomme sygdomme, Indre medicin (almen medicin), International og humanitær medicin, Logopædi, Medicinsk billeddannelse, Medicinsk ledelse, Medicinsk teknologie, Molekylær Medicin, Nefrologi, Neurologi, Sygeplejevidenskab, Ernæring og diætetik, Observationsforskning, Gynækologi og obstetrik, Ergoterapi, Onkologi, Oftalmologi, Optometri, Ortopædi, Otolaryngologi, Patologi, Pædiatri, Farmaci og farmakologi, Fysioterapi, Psykiatri og psykologi, Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Radiologi, Regenerativ Medicin, Rehabiliteringsmedicin, Respiratorisk medicin, Reumatologi, Sportsmedicin og fysiologi, Kirurgi, Toksikologi, Transfysiologi, Transplantation, Traumatologie, Urologi, Vaskulær lægevidenskab, Veterinærvidenskab, Analytisk kemi, Atmosfærisk kemi, Biokemi, Katalyse, Kemisk biologi, Kemisk termodynamik, Kemiinformatik, Beregningskemi, Elektrokemi, Miljøkemi, Immunkemi, Uorganisk kemi, Materialvidenskab, Matematisk kemi, Medicinsk kemi, Molekylær kemi, Nanobiokemi, Nanokemi, Nanoteknologi, Kernekemi, Organisk kemi, Metalorganisk kemi, Petrokemi, Fotokemi, Fysisk kemi, Plantekemi, Polymerkemi, Radiokemi, Faststofkemi, Spektroskopi, Overfladekemi, Syntetisk kemi, Teoretisk kemi, Termokemi, Acceleratorfysik, Akustik, Anvendt fysik, Atomar-, molekylær- og optisk fysik, Biofysik, Kemisk Fysik, Beregningsfysik, Faststoffysik, Kryogenik, Elektromagnetisme, Eksperimentalfysik, Strømningslære, Strømningslære, Geofysik, Laserfysik, Materialfysik, Matematisk fysik, Medicinsk fysik, Molekylefysik, Atomfysik, Optik, Partikelfysik, Fotonik, Plasmafysik, Kvantefysik, Solid-state Physics, Teoretisk fysik, Termodynamik, Køretøjsdynamik, Akustisk videnskab, Aeroteknik, Luftfartsteknik, Jordbrugsteknik, Teknik for lydsystemer, Bilteknik, Teknik for bilsystemer, Bioteknologi, Biomedicinsk teknik, Teknik for biosystemer, Kemoteknik, Bygningsteknik, Kommunikationsteknik, Beregningsteknik, Datateknik, Styringsautomatik, Miljøteknik, Elektroteknik, Elektronik, Energiteknik, Ingeniøruddannelse, Teknisk fysik, Miljøteknik, Brandsikringsteknik, Geoteknik, Hydraulik, Billedbehandling, Industriteknik, Måleteknik, Produktionsteknik, Skibsteknik, Materialelære, Maskinteknik, Mekanik, Mekatronik, Militærvidenskab, Mineteknik, Atomteknik, Optisk teknik, Petroleumsteknologi, Kvalitetssikringsteknik, Jernbaneteknik, Vedvarende Energi, Robotik, Sikkerhedsteknik, Signalbehandling, Bygningsteknik, Systems Engineering, Teknologistyring, Telekommunikationsteknik, Transportteknik, Forvaltningsret, Civilret, Erhvervsret, Statsforfatningsret, Aftaleret, Virksomhedsledelse, Selskabsret, Strafferet, Digitaliseringsret, Miljøret, EU-ret, Finansieringsret, Køn og jura, Folkeret, Retsvidenskab, Arbejdsret, Juridisk historie, Medieret, Nordisk ret, Procesret, Ejendomsret, Offentlig ret, Skatteret, Børne- og ungdomsstudier, Kriminologi, Kulturstudier, Undersøgelse af udviklingslande, Undersøgelse af invaliditet, Genusforskning, Humangeografi, Medie- og kommunikationsundersøgelser, Socialforskning, Social stratifikation, Socialteori, Socialt arbejde, Sociobiologi, Sociokybernetik, Sociologi, Sportsvidenskab, Turisme, Byforskning
Gem job

Om arbejdsgiveren

The MP Society is Germany's most successful research organization. Since its establishment in 1948, no fewer than 18 Nobel laureates have emerged f...

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