University of Turku

Senior Researcher (or Laboratory Manager/ Research Coordinator) in fundamental and applied photosynthesis - at Turku University

2024-11-06 (Europe/Helsinki)
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The University of Turku has a unique, creative and inspirational work environment. Here you will work with top experts, pedagogues and researchers.

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We are seeking for a talented and active researcher to join the Photosynthetic Microbes group led by Professor Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne. The position will be based in the Faculty of Technology within the Department of Life Technologies in Turku, Finland. The employment will begin on 1.12.2024, or as mutually agreed. The successful candidate will receive a fixed-term contract for two years, with the possibility of extension depending on future project funding.

About the Photosynthetic Microbes Research Group: We are studying the regulation of photosynthesis and applying photosynthetic principles to develop sustainable biotechnologies. The research areas encompass various aspects, including the regulation of photosynthesis, the use of photosynthetic microbes as biocatalysts for production of solar chemicals and fuels, biophotovoltaics (BPV) and development of solid-state photosynthetic cell factories. Additionally, the work involves large-scale algae cultivation for phytoremediation and promoting circular bioeconomy. The PhotoMicrobes group is involved in several EU, Nordic, and national projects and regularly publishes research outcomes in highly respected journals. We have established a large research network with connections to well-known international laboratories and industrial partners. Our team members not only active participants in international conferences but also regularly organise symposia and conferences (e.g. Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and the Nordic Algae Symposium).

To learn more about the Photosynthetic Microbes research group, you can visit our website at or follow us on LinkedIN and on X at @PhotoMicrobes.

Job description

The role of the Senior Researcher consists of 60% scientific tasks and 40% organizational and administrative tasks.

Scientific tasks: The duties include conducting high-level scientific research focusing on various themes related to photosynthesis and algal biotechnology. Additionally, the responsibilities include writing scientific review articles and publications, as well as contributing to grant applications and supervising the group’s junior post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D. and MSc students.

Organizational and administrative tasks: The role includes monitoring project development (e.g., EU, Research Council of Finland, Business Finland), preparation of EU and other reports, organizing and participation in consortium meetings, contributing to the planning of courses and training for group members, organizing events, onboarding new staff, and communicating research work on social media. Managing administrative tasks related to group and day-to-day operations.

The focus and final content of the role will be determined by the qualifications and abilities of the selected candidate. If sufficiently qualified Senior Researcher is not found, the job description and title may be  adjusted to a Laboratory Manager or to a Research Coordinator  role. In this case, the proportion of scientific tasks will be reduced and administrative tasks will take a larger share.

About our science

Here are some details about our recent work relevant to these projects:

Tóth GS, Siitonen V, Backman O, Siivola T, Xu W, Kosourov S, Siitonen V, Xu C, Allahverdiyeva Y.  Employing photocurable biopolymers to engineer photosynthetic 3D-printed living materials for production of chemicals. 2024 Green Chemistry, DOI:

Salazar J, Santana-Sánchez A, Näkkilä J, Sirin S, Allahverdiyeva Y. 2023. Complete N and P removal from hydroponic greenhouse wastewater by Tetradesmus obliquus: A strategy for algal bioremediation and cultivation in Nordic countries. Algal Res 70:102988. DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.102988

Mustila H, Muth-Pawlak D, Aro EM, Allahverdiyeva Y. 2021. Global proteomic response of unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to fluctuating light upon CO2 step-down. Physiol Plant. 173:305-320 DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13482

Santana-Sanchez A, Solymosi D, Mustila H, Bersanini L, Aro EM, Allahverdiyeva Y. Flavodiiron proteins 1-to-4 function in versatile combinations in O2 photoreduction in cyanobacteria. 2019 eLife. 8:e45766. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.45766

Who we are looking for

  • We seek a highly motivated and enthusiastic candidate.
  • A Ph.D. in molecular biology, biotechnology or another relevant field of biosciences is required for the position.
  • Excellent language competence in both spoken and written Finnish and English is essential.
  • A broad understanding and experience in the group’s research topics and strong expertise in all areas of the role are necessary. This includes experience in research administration and prior involvement with EU projects and general project management tasks.
  • Additionally, the position requires initiative, problem-solving skills, a business-oriented mindset with a willingness to engage in stakeholder discussions, self-direction, and excellent collaboration and communication skills.                            

Our selection criteria are centered on identifying the most qualified and suitable candidate for the positions. In practice, this means that we will consider not only education, scientific merits and work experience but also personal qualities, communication skills, motivation, and other relevant factors.


We offer you responsible and interesting tasks and the opportunity to develop your professional skills in a versatile operating environment. You will be supported by a professional and inspiring team. We value equality and diversity in our work community and encourage qualified applicants, regardless of background, to apply for our open positions.

The European Commission has awarded the University of Turku the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. The logo is a token of the University's commitment to continuous development of the position and working conditions of researchers according to the guidelines set forth in the European Charter for Researchers.

Salary and Application Guidelines

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of the Finnish universities. The position belong to our research personnel and the salary for a Senior Researcher is in the range of 3650– 3950€/month. A Laboratory Manager belongs to the other personnel and a salary is in the range of 3450 - 3800 €/month on average. A Research Coordinator belongs to the other personnel and has a salary of 3450 – 3750 €/month on average.

Please write your application and accompanying documents in English.

Applicants should enclose with their application:

  • a motivation letter, including a statement of motivation that summarizes research interests and administrative experience (max 1 page)
  • CV, including education, positions, professional experience, names and contact details of two academic referees (max 2 pages)
  • list of publications (please do not attach your thesis or papers)
  • degree certificate(s) in English or in Finnish

For further information about the position, please contact: professor Yagut Allahverdiyeva, allahve(at)

With questions about the application process, please contact: HR-specialist Paula Luoma paula.luoma(at)

This is an enriching job opportunity in a rapidly evolving field in our new faculty  - we warmly welcome you to join our multicultural working community.

Department of Life Technologies

The Department of Life Technologies is one of the largest teaching and research units at the University of Turku. Professionals of both science and professionals are educated in four mutually supportive fields: biochemistry, biotechnology, food sciences, and molecular plant biology. The research focuses on biomolecules and their reactions as well as aims to find out how nature functions at the cellular and molecular levels. This information is used in the applications of different fields and at the same time it enables versatile collaboration between research communities, businesses and industry.

The Faculty of Technology is the newest faculty of the University of Turku, it was established in the beginning of 2021. The Faculty consists of the Department of Computing, Department of Biotechnology and the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. We have more than 2,000 graduate and postgraduate students and circa 400 employees, 50 of whom are professors. Our faculty is an international, multicultural and diverse work community.

The University of Turku is an inspiring and international academic community of 25,000 students and staff in Southwest Finland. We build a sustainable future with multidisciplinary research, education, and collaboration. With us, your work will have a significant impact and relevance in the changing world.

See our open vacancies

HR Excellence in Research Logo

Information for the applicant

The application form cannot be saved as a draft. However, after submitting you can return to edit your application via the link you receive by email. The application can be edited until the application deadline.

You have 6 hours to complete your application before the timeout.

Instructions for submitting a job application


Senior Researcher (or Laboratory Manager/ Research Coordinator) in fundamental and applied photosynthesis - at Turku University
Tykistökatu 4, Turku, Finland Åbo, Finland
2024-11-06 16:00 (Europe/Helsinki)
2024-11-06 15:00 (CET)
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Om arbejdsgiveren

The University of Turku has a unique, creative and inspirational work environment. Here you will work with top experts, pedagogues and researchers.

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