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For almost two centuries DTU, Technical University of Denmark, has been dedicated to fulfilling the vision of H.C. Ørsted – the father of electromagnetism – who founded the university in 1829 to develop and create value using the natural sciences and the technical sciences to benefit society.
Today, DTU is ranked as one of the foremost technical universities in Europe, continues to set new records in the number of publications, and persistently increase and develop our partnerships with industry, and assignments accomplished by DTU’s public sector consultancy.
The number of student enrolment is higher than ever and, for the eleventy consecutive year, we have received a record-breaking number of applications from students who want to pursue a degree from a technical elite university with a global outlook.
The international dimension is of vital importance to DTU. In 2011, we welcomed 336 international students into our MSc programmes, half of our PhD students are recruited from abroad, and more than one third of our scientific staff are highly qualified researchers of international backgrounds. In addition, the extent and intensity of our collaborations with other leading technical universities around the world continue to grow.
DTU has international educational exchange programmes with over 200 universities around the globe, and enjoys close research collaborations with its partners in addition to building research and educational programmes in Nordic Five Tech, the Euro Tech Universities - Excellence in Science and Technology, as well as with Rensselaer in the U.S., Nanyang in Singapore, and KAIST in South Korea.