
The University of Technology Nuremberg

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In 2017, the Bavarian Government decided to set up a new university in Nuremberg for up to 6,000 new places of study. The University of Technology Nuremberg has been officially founded on January 1, 2021. The commitment and opportunity of this new foundation is to build a university which has a role-model function within the German academic system.

The focal point of the new university will be the major social issues of the future. These will be jointly addressed by technical science, natural science, humanities and social sciences, across all traditional disciplinary boundaries.

The University of Technology Nuremberg wants to prepare and train its students for the labor market of the future, thus acting as a driver for innovation for the metropolitan region of Nuremberg and enriching Bavaria as a center of science.

The Concept

With the first foundation of a state-run university in Germany in almost 30 years, Bavaria is breaking new ground. The strategic cornerstones of the new university will be:

Interdisciplinary exchange of technical and natural science with humanities and social sciences

Research and teaching across all disciplinary boundaries

Consistent end-to-end digitization of research, teaching and administration

International expertise with strong regional roots

The first genuine campus university in direct urban surroundings

Innovative and lean governance with flat hierarchies

Research, teaching and transfer of knowledge and technology in a harmonized approach

Research-related and solution-oriented teaching with close interaction between teachers and students

Focus on lifelong education based on learning opportunities which are both flexible in time and space

Close interaction with regional and international universities and non-university research institutes and companies

Systematic support of university spin-offs and innovations

In aggregate, the University of Technology Nuremberg will be a place for thinking university anew. According to the Science Council, it could be “a field test for elements of higher education and science, thus in the long term becoming a model for the German university system.”

The official statement of the Science Council can be downloaded in German using the following link:
Wissenschaftsrat – Publikationen – Stellungnahme zum Konzept zur Gründung der Technischen Universität Nürnberg (Drs. 8254-20), Januar 2020

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