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Victoria University of Wellington, Te Whare Wānanga o te Ūpoko o te Ika a Māui, is the number one university in New Zealand for research quality, and attracts exceptional staff and students from around the world. Victoria University is characterised by the depth, consistency and effectiveness of our culture of domestic and international engagement. Our commitment to reciprocal, high-quality relationships springs from identifying and understanding the need for New Zealand to achieve sustainable development. Victoria has developed close ties with a wide range of businesses and government organisations, and several recent initiatives are aimed at improving the University’s engagement with industry. Victoria’s historic strength in public policy has been fully demonstrated by substantial contributions to major government projects, and entrepreneurship education is an emerging strength on which we intend to build. Victoria also gives high priority to engagement with Māori and Pacific communities. We aim to produce graduates whose learning has been developed inside and outside of the classroom, experientially, and informed by a global perspective. Victoria University is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Discover more about Victoria University’s 115 years of rich history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EttP9FZZ7no