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Adskillige steder Zürich, Schweiz
Sankt Gallen, Schweiz
Thun, Schweiz
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Om arbejdsgiveren

As an interdisciplinary research institute of the ETH Domain, Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, conducts cutting-edge materials and technology research. Empa’s R&D activities focus on meeting the requirements of industry and the needs of society, and thus link applications-oriented research to the practical implementation of new ideas. As a result, Empa is capable of providing its partners with customized solutions that not only enhance their innovative edge and competitiveness, but also help to improve the quality of life for the public at large. Through an efficient technology transfer Empa is turning research results into marketable innovations. The Empa Portal is THE contact point for clients and partners who are seeking innovative solutions to specific problems or who wish to undertake research projects in cooperation with Empa.


Materials and technologies for a sustainable future Empa conducts cutting-edge materials and technology research, generating interdisciplinary solutions to help overcome major challenges faced by industry, and creates the necessary scientific basis to ensure that our society develops in a sustainable manner. As an institution of the ETH Domain, Empa is committed to excellence in all its activities. Our vision is as simple and straight-forward as it is bold and ambitious. It is a beacon of sorts that shows us where we ought to be heading and what we should strive for. It serves as a gold standard for many if not all our activities. To cope with the manifold challenges that loom ahead, it will be crucial to deliver solutions with the help of science and technology. At Empa, we are taking on the task of developing and sketching out paths into a livable future for the coming generations.

Empa in Figures


  • is a research institute which forms an integral part of the ETH Domain.
  • fulfills its mission by finding solutions to urgent problems facing industry and society in the field of material sciences and technology development.
  • employs about 993 staff. About 537 employees are engineers and scientists with advanced university degrees, 23 are professors, 143 are doctoral students and 43 are apprentices.
  • consists of 5 departments with 33 research laboratories and 8 internal support divisions.
  • organizes its research efforts into five Research Focus Areas, which encourage networked thinking and inter- and transdisciplinary cooperative work.
  • has for 135 years produced reliable, neutral expert reports and offers out-of-the-ordinary technical services to industry, commerce and the public. plays an important role as educator and disseminator of knowledge.
  • launched a PhD program, which offers students challenging, application-oriented research projects in a stimulating environment, supported by an enthusiastic teaching staff
  • plays host in 2014 to over 4100 external and internal guests participating in expert symposia, conferences and lectures at the Empa Academy each year.

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Arbejdsgiver placering

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ETH Zürich Schweiz 68 ledige stillinger
University of Basel Schweiz 33 ledige stillinger
University of Neuchâtel Schweiz 11 ledige stillinger
University of Geneva Schweiz 6 ledige stillinger
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