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Nazarbayev University

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Sobre el empleador

Welcome to Nazarbayev University, a modern and rapidly developing international university located in the heart of Eurasia – Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is the first university in Kazakhstan that is committed to working according to international academic standards and guided by the principles of autonomy and academic freedom. The University’s autonomous status was granted in accordance with a special national legislation. Our academic and research programs are designed in partnership with leading universities ranked among the top higher education institutions in the world.

History & Vision

Nazarbayev University is a new university initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The university is intended to become the national brand of higher education in Kazakhstan, by combining the advantages of the national education system and the best international scientific and educational practices. The mission of Nazarbayev University is to promote the development of education and research activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the formation of Astana as the research and educational center of Eurasia. Our vision of the University lies in the preparation of our graduates in accordance with the highest international standards in order to promote the development of research activities, education and national economy.

Quick Facts & Statistics

Location: Astana, Kazakhstan 51°10′0″N 71°26′0″E Language of instruction: English Average acceptance rate: 1/8.5 Number of schools: 7 Number of undergraduate degrees: 16

Ubicación de la empresa

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