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OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

OsloMet's vision is to deliver knowledge to solve societal challenges.
An international workplace
Number of countries OsloMet
employees hail from.
Norway's third-largest university
Number of employees at OsloMet.
Gender diversity
Percentage of full professors who
are women.

Research that shapes society

OsloMet aspires to be an international provider of research-based knowledge that contributes to a robust, sustainable welfare state.

Laboratory Research

OsloMet by the numbers

Norway's most urban university is home to:

  • 415 PhD candidates as of 2023
  • 3 research centres
  • 6 PhD programmes
  • 103 research groups
  • 4 faculties and 22 departments

OsloMet and Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 is the European Union's flagship research and innovation programme. OsloMet currently coordinates three Horizon 2020 projects and participates in an additional 12 projects.

OsloMet's research community conducts high-impact research on a variety of topics related to health, childhood and education, working and family life, and technology. We are home to one of the largest research communities in Northern Europe focusing on the Nordic welfare model and its impact on people across the life cycle.

Our research activities have been strengthened significantly in recent years and OsloMet researchers are attracting an increasing percentage of external funding, both from international and Norwegian sources. By participating in international projects on topics as diverse as artificial intelligence, immigration, ageing populations, and democratic citizenship, our researchers contribute insights into complex issues of global concern.

OsloMet is a university of applied sciences and much of the research we conduct has a direct impact on society. Our researchers appear frequently as academic experts in the Norwegian media and contribute to a fact-based public debate.

Through collaboration with the public sector, industry and civil society, we deliver knowledge and innovative solutions to challenges facing Norway and societies around the world— challenges which are represented in the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Centres of Research Excellence

The four newly established centres are engaged in high-quality, innovative research in their respective fields. OsloMet established four Centres of Research Excellence in 2020. These centres reflect the diversity of research conducted at Norway's third-largest university. The centres provide a framework for high-quality research whose impact will be felt both nationally and internationally. Their establishment will help elevate OsloMet's profile as a leading research university.

You can read more about the centres here:

Moving to Norway

Are you thinking of moving to Norway to join OsloMet? We have one campus in the city centre of Oslo and one right outside of Oslo. OsloMet is one of Norway's largest universities.

Norway is known for its welfare system, equality and a good work life balance. Oslo is a diverse and inclusive city with many opportunities. The capital of Norway offers a vibrant city life and with nature on its doorsteps.

Moving to Norway - OsloMet

Working at OsloMet

The concept of work-life balance is firmly embedded in Norwegian society and working life. At OsloMet, we believe employees perform better if they are able to balance work, family and free time. In Norway, we recognise the importance of offering employees a considerable degree of flexibility to enable them to balance their obligations at work with their family and home life. OsloMet seeks to facilitate this balance by providing employees with benefits such as flexible working hours, holiday, training facilities, and cultural events.

OsloMet has since 2016 held the HR Excellence in Research award. The award is only given to organizations that adhere to offering attractive and rewarding research career opportunities, employee rights, mobility and work/life balance within the four themes:

  • • Ethical and professional aspect
  • • Recruitment and selection
  • • Working conditions
  • • Training and development
HR Excellence in Research

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