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Silicon Austria Labs (SAL)

Adskillige steder Graz, Østrig
Linz, Østrig
Villach, Østrig
Besøg website

Om arbejdsgiveren

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is Austria's top re­search center for elec­tronic based systems (EBS). At three loca­tions (Graz, Villach, Linz), around 270 employees are working on future-oriented solu­tions for indus­trial produc­tion, health, energy, mobi­lity, safety and more. SAL brings toge­ther key players from industry, science and re­search and thus valuable exper­tise and know-how and conducts coope­ra­tive, appli­ca­tion-oriented re­search along the EBS value chain. Coope­ra­tive projects (in accor­dance with Euro­pean state aid law) are co-financed by SAL and enable a fast and unbu­reau­cratic project start. SAL is thus shaping the high-tech loca­tion Austria and Europe and deve­lo­ping the future - "UNFOLD THE FUTURE".

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Arbejdsgiver placering

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TU Wien Østrig 12 ledige stillinger
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Østrig 12 ledige stillinger
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Sankt Pölten, Østrig 5 ledige stillinger
MCI Entrepreneurial School® Østrig 3 ledige stillinger
FH Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences Kufstein, Østrig 3 ledige stillinger
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Interessante artikler

Speeding Up DNA Analysis With String Algorithms Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 4 min læsning
Conserving Coral Reefs: The Backbone of Marine Biodiversity NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min læsning
The Tiny Algae That Fuel The Marine Food Chain NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min læsning
Five Reasons Why MPI-FKF is the Perfect Destination for Solid State Researchers and Students Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials 6 min læsning
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