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Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)

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Om arbejdsgiveren

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) is Singapore’s University of Applied Learning. It aims to be a leader in innovative university education by integrating learning, industry and community.

SIT offers applied degree programmes targeted at growth sectors of the economy with a unique pedagogy that integrates work and study. Applied research is weaved into students’ learning experience, where they work on real industry problems and create solutions to meet industry needs. As part of the university’s advocacy for the work-learn continuum, SIT strives to instil within its students a culture of lifelong learning and places an emphasis on skills needed by industry. SIT also aims to cultivate in its students four distinctive traits that form the SIT-DNA: Thinking Tinkerers; Able to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn; Catalysts for Transformation; and Grounded in the Community.

Established in 2009 and gazetted as an autonomous university in 2014, SIT currently has six distributed campuses, with its main campus in SIT@Dover. The future campus will be part of the Punggol Digital District that will feature a fit-for-purpose campus where the reimagining of higher education can take place within a community setting.

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National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore 0 ledige stillinger
LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore 0 ledige stillinger
Yale-NUS College Singapore 0 ledige stillinger
Duke NUS Singapore 0 ledige stillinger
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Cracking the Code on Computing Education Free University of Bozen - Bolzano 4 min læsning
Speeding Up DNA Analysis With String Algorithms Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 4 min læsning
Conserving Coral Reefs: The Backbone of Marine Biodiversity NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min læsning
The Tiny Algae That Fuel The Marine Food Chain NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research 4 min læsning
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