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The European Space Agency (ESA)

Adskillige steder Noordwijk-Binnen, Holland
Frascati, Italien
Paris, Frankrig
Besøg website

Om arbejdsgiveren

We are the European Space Agency.

Our mission is the peaceful exploration and use of space for the benefit of everyone. We watch over Earth, develop and launch inspiring and unique space projects, train astronauts and push the boundaries of science and technology, seeking answers to the big questions about the Universe. We are a family of scientists, engineers and business professionals from all over Europe working together in a diverse and multinational environment.

Since its creation in 1975, ESA has been a place of integration for Europe and its people, and has been strengthened by the wealth and diversity of the cultures they represent. Bringing together differing perspectives is one of our greatest assets and a key factor driving our achievements. For this purpose, we welcome applications from all qualified candidates irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, beliefs, age or disability.

At ESA we recruit - and not only astronauts. In 2023, ESA will be recruiting over 200 new colleagues to join our teams and support our mission of the peaceful exploration and use of space for the benefit of everyone. Are ready to take the next step in your career? This is your chance! Learn more here

Arbejdsgiver placering

Find lignende arbejdsgivere

Eindhoven University of Technology Holland 33 ledige stillinger
University of Twente Holland 31 ledige stillinger
Leiden University Holland 17 ledige stillinger
Radboud University Holland 10 ledige stillinger
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Interessante artikler

Solving the Mystery of Solar Flares The European Space Agency (ESA) 5 min læsning
Cracking the Code on Computing Education Free University of Bozen - Bolzano 4 min læsning
Speeding Up DNA Analysis With String Algorithms Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) 4 min læsning
Flere Stories

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